Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 7th - Reading

I have never classified myself as a reader, but as time goes on I accumulate books.  Books that people recommend or I think I would like and these books sit on my desk, or travel around with me in my backpack.  I think I have had my current book with me for about 3 or 4 months.  I will take time and try to read, but I just don't seem to get anywhere.  Fellow co-workers love it when they need to use a book they know I have because very likely my book will be in good condition.

My wife on the other hand will read a book a week or little longer.  This just amazes me, but she reads to get away.  I would rather go numb with the TV on or read social media posts.  I just don't see what reading brings to me.  My 8 year old son is starting to take after her.  He has been bringing books home and sitting and reading all evening.  This challenges me because I know I should be reading more.

Currently I'm trying to read "Mindset" by Carol Dweck, and I do like the content, but I have a hard time staying motivated.  I will make it though, eventually.

Anyone have suggestions on keeping motivated to read more?

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