Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16 - Sunny Days

Today has shaped out to be a beautiful day with sunshine and warm weather.  I love when the weather matches my feelings.  Today is the day before spring break and family time.  I'm excited to not have schedules and not rush around and possibly rest and relax.

Sunshine reminds me of summer also.  Long days of working on the farm and riding in tractors.  Working but not really working.  Farming is an escape most days and sunshine on my face and arms make me want to work ground plant corn and many other activities.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14 - Golden Rule

“do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matt. 7:12)
Most of us try to live by this saying.  I have to say that the more I think about myself that this would be one of my core values.  This week at church Brian our preacher focused on how it is not what the church can do for you but what you can do for the church.  It's not about "I" but "we".  I really like that thinking.

If we put ourselves in the shoes of others we will discover that we need to treat each other better.  Holding doors open for each other, letting someone in a hurry in front of you, and simply listening to a story and actually listen to listen not listen to respond.

I catch myself in conversations trying to think of what I want to say next, not truly taking in the details that someone else is trying to say to me.  My wife would probably agree with all of this, sometimes I actually have to ask her to repeat herself as I did not hear what she said. 

If we do unto others as we would like done to ourselves we would be in a much better place.     

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13 - Planning Road Trip

Some people do not like to plan road trips or map out directions to places.  They rely on apple maps or google maps to plot their course and they just simply follow the course laid out for them.  Technology has made if very possible for someone to get a certain location with no ability to read a map.  Oh how times have changed.

I like to plan and map out directions to different locations.  I like using apple maps or google maps to get me started, but I always seem to zoom in and look at the course closely and make adjustments according to types of roads or if I want to park a certain place and so on.  This was instilled in me by my father.  When we would go on family vacations we would get the road atlas out and plot our course.  It was fun learning the differences between 4 lane interstates and state highways. 

Our family hardly ever flew so it was an adventure to take a trip places.  As my family prepares to travel I purchased an atlas for Ben and I to do the same thing.  Not sure if he will enjoy it, but I enjoy getting to look at the different town names and different highways.  We might just have to use it if we take a wrong turn and apple maps or google maps can not get us back on course.

Karen has become accustom to me being able to get us places with just knowing the general area I'm going.  She has also been on some long detours with me also, when there was no place to turn around.  I love going a different route home than the way we got to our destination.  I just enjoy the change of scenery.   

Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12 - Busy Schedules

In 4 days my family and I will be heading on our spring break trip.  This is a fun an exciting time, but also is a busy time of year.  It seems like we have something every night leading up to our departure.  I know it will help with time passing and not being impatient for the trip to come. 

It is funny how busy schedules are a part of life now.  Kids have soccer, baseball, basketball, cheer, dance and many other things going on.  Parents are running around taking kids to practice, games and events.  I don't remember being that busy growing up.

Being from a small town (population 700) and living 20 miles from town, made life simple.  I still was involved in activities, but never felt the stress of being over scheduled.  I hope that I can keep a balance with my children, but feel the pressure to keep some activities going. 

I think that sometimes we get caught up in, if we are not doing something we are not keeping up, mindset.  I really enjoy just being a family and not on the go so much.


Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 11 - Time Change

Today was Daylight Savings Time (spring forward), and I also had to be at church by 7:30, so it made for a long day.  I am usually pretty good in the morning and can get myself around and ready and out the door quickly, but this morning was kinda hard I have to admit.

As a farmer going up and now teacher and farmer, I usually like mornings.  This time change seems to mess with day time for me.  The sun is going to be up quicker, but the evenings will be shorter, and I really don't like that.  I love being able to come home from work and have a couple of hours with daylight to get things done.  This week is going to be hard, but soon the summer days will be here and I will be able to go back to enjoying daylight.

**Update:  So after Monday morning driving to school I realized that the evening hours of sunlight will be longer.  I guess when you loose sleep you don't think logically and when you write your blog post later in evening it is all messed up. 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 8 - Music

Many people find it hard to believe that I play the drum set at church.  This event has become a love of mine.  I am blessed to get to serve at least 2 times a month to play a set at church with our worship band.  We practice on Thursday nights and then again on Sunday morning before church.  It has become a bit of a time commitment but has become a highlight of my week.

This week I am on to play and we are doing some fun songs.

End of Days - Hillsong Young and Free

King of Heaven - Paul Baloche 

Your Love Defends Me - Matt Mahr

Great Are you Lord - All Sons & Daughters

As you can tell this set can be demanding on a drummer, but it is a lot of fun.  I do not have a drum set to practice on at home and my family is probably grateful for that, but I do listen to the songs over and over again to make sure I'm good with what I can do on the drums.

March 7 - Food

Today we had one of my new favorite meals, Italian Meat Sandwich with garlic aloe.  This is a new meal in the last year for us and my family and I have come to love it.  You basically cook a beef roast in a crockpot all day with seasonings red peppers, and onions.  Then you shred the meat and make the garlic aloe.  Serve on a hoagie bun with provolone cheese.  This is a melt in your mouth meal. 

I don't have any pictures of the meal, but you will just have to take my word for it that it is truly a game changer and you should add it to you meals.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6 - Mindset

This year I have read about Mindset a lot.  From growth mindset to innovator's mindset I have researched what it can take to make change.  I like to think of myself as being a person that is willing to try new things and push the limits.  The reading I have done has reassured me that I do in many ways.  I'm going to make al list of my favorite quotes today.

Some of my favorite quotes I have ran across while reading: 

“once you stop learning you start dying” ― Albert Einstein

“It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to to , We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” ― Steve Jobs

"To teach is to learn twice."  ― Joseph Joubert

"No one has ever changed the world by doing what the world has told them to do.” ― Eddy Zhong

March 5 - Mornings

Mornings in my household are a frenzy.  Alarm goes off at 5:10 to start the day.  We do hit snooze most mornings but that is the first time it goes off.  I shower then get all the kids up and started on breakfast.  Karen feeds Andrew and eats breakfast also. 

Once breakfast is done, Ben takes dog out and feeds the dog.  Cole just gets dressed and brush teeth and makes bed, hopefully.  Ben and I work on lunches for Cole, Ben and I and sometimes Karen depending on if she has done her own yet.  After lunches are done, I finish getting dressed and ready for the day.  Ben and Cole usually play with Andrew while Karen and I finish getting ready.  Andrew is the last one to get dressed and goes straight into car seat.

All this is done and we are hopefully out the door by 6:30.  Fast pace morning everyday during the school year. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4 - Sunday Happenings

When I was growing up Sunday was always treated as a day of rest.  I have tried to keep this quality of life up with my family.  Sunday's usually entail either Karen or I spending a big chunk of our time at church serving on the worship team.  Karen sings and I play drums, and they schedule us on opposite Sundays so that we can manage the family and kids getting to church.  This servings requires morning practice at 7:30 then serving at both services 9 am and 10:30 at LifeTrack Christian Church (come check us out if are in the Pittsburg Kansas area). 

After church we usually go get supplies needed for the week groceries and other items, and get something for lunch.  We don't usually get home til around 2 pm sometimes.  So the day seems to fly by.  Today was a day that I did not want to rest, but be outside and do something.  So, I asked Ben if he wanted to go on a bike ride, he agreed.  We didn't make it but 2 miles but it is a start of doing something.  After we go home, we watched some Netflix, but I still wanted to do some more outside.  Cole, Ben and I decided to shoot some baskets.  This was a lot of fun, we lowered the hoop for Cole to 8 ft and he work and work and made his first basket by himself.  I was very proud.  He was excited and ran inside to tell Karen. 

 Today was not a complete day of rest, but it was a great time of being together as a family.  I hope that Ben, Cole and Andrew remember days like today and I hope that I can continue to keep time together a priority and not let to many things get in the way. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

March 3 - Party Day

Every Parent can relate with "Party Day" or event day at your own house.  Family comes to stay at your house and you are hosting more family for a dinner or lunch and you have to get your house ready.  Today was "Party Day" for our son Cole's birthday.  Here is how the day goes.

5:30 wake up with youngest
7:00 cook breakfast for family and extended family guests
8:00 clean up breakfast
9:00 clean bathrooms
10:00 vacum house
11:00 more guests arrive
11:30 more guests arrive
11:45 lunch with both sides of family
1:00 birthday gift unwrap
1:30 cake
2:00 kids go to playing and adults visit
3:00 clean up
4:00 figure out dinner
5:00 cook dinner
6:00 clean up dinner
7:00 movie
7:30 make popcorn
9:00 hopefully bed time

So as you read this you can see it is a full day.  Fun events but lots of things to do.  Mix in all the regular things like feed dog and help dad on the farm and you have a very exhausting day. 

I wonder how other families do party days especially if they have destination or friend parties.  Karen and I have kept things simple during Cole and Ben's birthday parties.  There will be be a day eventually that we will host or go to event places.

Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2 - Special Day for a Family Member

Today I will be writing about my middle son Cole.  Today is a special day it is his 6th Birthday.  As I woke up today I replayed the day years again when he was born.  Karen was working at Webb City in her first year and I was still at Lamar.  We both went to work to teach young people and I got a phone call before 10 saying I think it is time.  I rushed to the Hospital and Karen drove herself there.  Yes that is correct Karen drove herself to the hospital.  Later that day Cole joined our family.

Now these many years later he is 6 years old and is a joy.  His eyes tell it all they are curious, mischievous and full of wonder.  He can talk your ear off and make you smile.

As we celebrate Cole and his special day, I just hope that Cole feels special. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1 - Life Changes

As I embark on my start of Slice of Life blogging this year, I find myself thinking of the changes that have happened in my life since last year.  One big change is that my family is now a family of 5.  Andrew joined our family in July and has completed our family.

Andrew is now 7 months old and makes me smile daily.  Ben the oldest at 9 years old is continuing to be a shinning example of what a big brother should be and loves to help and has even changed a few diapers.  Cole the middle now at 5 years old doesn't like to be left out of things, but is also a great help in entertaining Andrew and keeps us all on our toes.

Life seemed quite simple when our family was 4, but the new adventure has sure made life fun.  Trips are now scheduled around feeding schedules and drop off for school is now much longer.  We don't get out much now, but do love entertaining at our house.  Our next big adventure which I will write about more later will be our trip to Florida this spring break. 

Family has always been a priority in my life and I feel that my time with the family is the best.  We like watching TV, playing outside, farming, and cleaning house together.  I know my life will get become more and more busy with 3 boys, and I hope I can cherish the time that is slow.