Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4 - Sunday Happenings

When I was growing up Sunday was always treated as a day of rest.  I have tried to keep this quality of life up with my family.  Sunday's usually entail either Karen or I spending a big chunk of our time at church serving on the worship team.  Karen sings and I play drums, and they schedule us on opposite Sundays so that we can manage the family and kids getting to church.  This servings requires morning practice at 7:30 then serving at both services 9 am and 10:30 at LifeTrack Christian Church (come check us out if are in the Pittsburg Kansas area). 

After church we usually go get supplies needed for the week groceries and other items, and get something for lunch.  We don't usually get home til around 2 pm sometimes.  So the day seems to fly by.  Today was a day that I did not want to rest, but be outside and do something.  So, I asked Ben if he wanted to go on a bike ride, he agreed.  We didn't make it but 2 miles but it is a start of doing something.  After we go home, we watched some Netflix, but I still wanted to do some more outside.  Cole, Ben and I decided to shoot some baskets.  This was a lot of fun, we lowered the hoop for Cole to 8 ft and he work and work and made his first basket by himself.  I was very proud.  He was excited and ran inside to tell Karen. 

 Today was not a complete day of rest, but it was a great time of being together as a family.  I hope that Ben, Cole and Andrew remember days like today and I hope that I can continue to keep time together a priority and not let to many things get in the way. 


  1. Where is LifeTrack in Pittsburg? I know West comes up for FLAG, but wondered where Life Track was...just curious! I didn't realize you came to Pittsburg for church! I am happy you got a bike ride in and some baskets with the kids, it started raining up here so not much got accomplished outside, but I did watch plenty of hoops inside!! The madness is approaching!

  2. I had no idea you played drums. Very cool!
