Today was Daylight Savings Time (spring forward), and I also had to be at church by 7:30, so it made for a long day. I am usually pretty good in the morning and can get myself around and ready and out the door quickly, but this morning was kinda hard I have to admit.
As a farmer going up and now teacher and farmer, I usually like mornings. This time change seems to mess with day time for me. The sun is going to be up quicker, but the evenings will be shorter, and I really don't like that. I love being able to come home from work and have a couple of hours with daylight to get things done. This week is going to be hard, but soon the summer days will be here and I will be able to go back to enjoying daylight.
**Update: So after Monday morning driving to school I realized that the evening hours of sunlight will be longer. I guess when you loose sleep you don't think logically and when you write your blog post later in evening it is all messed up.
I'm not a fan of changing the time back and forth...I'd like it to stay one way or the other...many states don't change anymore.