Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3rd - Learners and Nonlearners

I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and the failures. . . I divide the world into the learners and nonlearners. - Benjamin Barber, an eminent sociologist
Learners or nonlearners, great concept.  Which one do you fall into?

Learners are people who are constantly trying new things.  Also, people who has a can do attitude.  These people fall in the growth mindset category.

Nonlearners are people who do the same thing over and over again.  Also people who think they can't learn new things.  These people fall in the fixed mindset category.

I read the above quote in a book in that last week and it really did make me think.  I like the phrase nonlearners and learners.  Growth mindset has been a focus for many this year and I think this puts the theory into a language I understand.  I always thought of myself as a learner.  I really like learning new things and trying new things also.  I'm not afraid to fail.  Which is hard for some, but to me it just makes me human.

So as you read this my question to you would be which one do you feel like you are learner or nonlearner?

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