Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26th - Project list and Farming

The last 5 days I missed my time of blogging.  No real good reason that I didn't except that I was very busy getting projects for spring break done and farming.  Here is a list of things that I have completed during our time off.

1.  Finished electrical in basement
2.  Finished plumbing in basement
3.  Worked 200 acres total to prep for planting corn
4.  Cleaned basement after work was done
5.  Saw Beauty and Beast with family
6.  Took son to a birthday party
7.  Hosted a BBQ for church small groups
8.  Didn't turn on my computer

So you can see that my last 5 days have been full of events some fun but some work.  I like the fact that every one of my breaks from school have meant time to finish more on my basement.  This has been a long time coming and I hope that I can finish before the baby arrives.

Update on names for new member of the family.  Cole has decided on Peter.  Have no clue where he got this from, but told Grandma that this morning.  Karen and I have been thinking of E names.  I like Eli, and she is thinking of Evan.  Who knows?  We will let the saga continue.

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